Hi From the News
Page 9
Index Page 8 | Page 10 | Nomenclature

      DOS.Shell.bat  -- Tool. Get information about any DOS command in XP.
      Strings.com.vbs.vbs  -- Someone said "Strings.COM" won't work in XP.
      InputBox.bat  -- How to get input in DOS batch (including VBS).
      FTP.vbs  -- Export and FTP upload favorites.
      FTP.vbs  -- A better version.
      CopyFromStartMenuToDesktop.bat  -- "JW" want to COPY in Netherlands.
      FireWall.vbs  -- A very thin wall! :-).  (Additionally UseNet link).
      Bug.vbs  -- Step through a file: (output that was created by Debug).

  DOS.Shell.bat (is creating DOS.Shell.vbs)


::@  [ "DOS.Shell.bat" by Benny Pedersen, http://2dos.homepage.dk ]
::@  [ Usage. For example, input the word xcopy in any dialogBox, ]
::@  [        or write an integer (if specified within the menu). ]

@ echo off                %[ DOS.Shell.bat     ]%
@ if exist %0.bat %0.bat  %[ Get bat extension ]%
@ find.exe<%0 /v "@">%temp%.\DOS.Shell.vbs
@ start wScript.exe  %temp%.\DOS.Shell.vbs [it's a self deleting file]
@ for %%c in (cls exit) do %%c
function DK (xx)'[convert to Danish language, DK("‘›†’") = "æøåÆØÅ"]
  xx=replace(xx, chr(145),chr(230)): xx=replace(xx, chr(155),chr(248))
  xx=replace(xx, chr(134),chr(229)): xx=replace(xx, chr(146),chr(198))
  xx=replace(xx, chr(157),chr(216)): DK=replace(xx, chr(143),chr(197))
end function
dim obj,fso, a,b, c
set obj = wscript.createObject("wScript.shell")
set fso =         createObject("scripting.fileSystemObject")
if not obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%OS%")="Windows_NT" then c=100
if not fso.fileExists(obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%winDir%")_
  & "\system32\Help.exe")then c=c+20
if not fso.fileExists(obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%winDir%")_
  & "\system32\Find.exe")then c=c+3
if c>0then msgBox"This program requires a working system, WinNT/XP. "_
  , 50, right(c+10^4,4): set fso= nothing :obj.run "%comSpec% /c"_
  & "erase %temp%.\DOS.Shell.vbs",0,-1:set obj= fso : wScript.quit
obj.run"%comSpec% /c%winDir%\system32\help|%winDir%\"_
  & "system32\find/v""HELP""> %temp%\1.tmp",0,-1
obj.run"%comSpec% /c echo:#>> %temp%\1.tmp",0,-1
obj.run"%comSpec% /c erase    %temp%\8.vbs",0,-1
dim r: set r= fso.openTextFile(obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")_
  & "\1.tmp",1)
dim w: set w= fso.openTextFile(obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")_
  & "\8.vbs",8,1): set fso= nothing
w.writeLine"function DK (xx) xx=replace(xx,chr(145),chr(230)):xx=rep"_
  & "lace(xx,chr(155),chr(248)):xx=replace(xx,chr(134),chr(229)):xx="_
  & "replace(xx,chr(146),chr(198)):xx=replace(xx,chr(157),chr(216)):"_
  & "DK=replace(xx,chr(143),chr(197)):end function" & vbCrLf _
  & "sub MakeFile(x,i)if isNumeric(i)then dim r:set r= createObject("_
  & """scripting.fileSystemObject"").openTextFile(wScript.scriptFull"_
  & "Name,1):for L=-x to i:i=mid(r.readLine,8,8):next:set r=nothing"&_
  vbCrLf & "dim obj:set obj=wscript.createObject(""wScript.shell""):"_
  & "obj.run""%comSpec% /c""&i&""/?>""""%temp%\~""&i,0,1:a=createObj"_
  & "ect(""scripting.fileSystemObject"").openTextFile(obj.expandEnvi"_
  & "ronmentStrings(""%temp%"")&""\~""&i,1).readAll" & vbCrLf _
  & "set w=createObject(""scripting.fileSystemObject"").openTextFile"_
  & "(obj.expandEnvironmentStrings(""%temp%"")&""\~""&i,2,1):w.write"_
  & "Line DK(a):w.close:set w=nothing" & vbCrLf _
  & "obj.run""%comSpec% /cNotepad """"%temp%\~""&i,0,1:obj.run""%com"_
  & "Spec% /cDel """"%temp%\~""&i,0: set obj=nothing: wScript.quit" &_
  vbCrLf & "end sub" & vbCrLf & "dim i" & vbCrLf
a=r.readLine:DO until a="#":w.writeLine"i=(inputBox(_"
do: c=abs(c)+1:b=r.readLine: if left(b,8)=string(8," ")then
     w.writeLine"+"""&mid(c+100,2)&":  "&left(a,8)&vbTab&DK(mid(a,9))_
     & DK(mid(b,9))&"""&vbCr&vbCr _": a=r.readLine
else w.writeLine"+"""&mid(c+100,2)&":  "&left(a,8)&vbTab&DK(mid(a,9))_
     &              """&vbCr&vbCr _": a=b
end if:loop until c mod 10=9 or a="#"
w.writeLine",""Input Command or Filename"","&c+1&",4999,999))"_
  & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "if i=""""then wscript.quit" & vbCrLf _
  & "if isNumeric(i)then if 1*i>" & c-1-(c mod 10) & " and "_
  & "1*i=<"&c&"then MakeFile "&.7*(c-(c mod 10))+8 &",fix(i-sgn(i)/2"_
  & "+1)" & vbCrLf & "if not isNumeric(i)then MakeFile,i"&vbCrLf: c=-c
LOOP:w.close:set w=nothing:set r=w:obj.run"wScript.exe %temp%\8.vbs",_
  ,1:obj.run"%comSpec% /cDel %temp%.\1.tmp&&del %temp%.\8.vbs&&del " _
  & "%temp%.\DOS.Shell.vbs&&Erase %temp%.\~*.",0:set obj= fso

  Modified Okt 2, 2002:
   Erase %temp%.\~*.
   Missing dot prefixed the Back Slash became obvious after
   I changed my Temp location from whatever default to Z:\.


  Strings.com.vbs.vbs (is created of a batch file)


@echo off %[This line must be line num 1 without blank line(s) above]%
Rem: Strings.com in Win9X/ME/NT/XP...
Rem: To see how it works with the old/bad "Strings.com" instead of the
Rem: substituted VBS file, prefix line num 3 with a double colon (::),

if not (%1)==() goto %1 %[This is line num 2]%
  %comspec% /c%0 vb>%temp%.\Strings.com.vbs.vbs Windows_NT
if not exist %temp%.\strings.com.vb* goto start (USING Strings.com)
if Windows_NT==%OS% color 1f&&%0 call wScript.exe %temp%.\ .vbs.vbs
                    %0 start.exe/wait wScript.exe %temp%.\ .vbs.vbs
:call  [WinXP]
:start [Win9X]

  %1 %2 %3strings.com%4 M     = MONTH
  %1 %2 %3strings.com%4 month = month

  if %2.==wScript.exe. for %%c in (call del) do %%c %temp%.\~.bat
          echo.    Var [M]     = [%M%]
          echo.    Var [Month] = [%Month%]

  %1 %2 %3strings.com%4 Date = Date
  %1 %2 %3strings.com%4 T    = That > nul

  if %2.==wScript.exe. for %%c in (call del) do %%c %temp%.\~.bat
          echo.    Var [Date]  = [%Date%]
          echo.    Var [T]     = [%T%]
          echo.    Var [M]     = [%M%]
  if %2.==wScript.exe. del %temp%.\Strings.com.vbs.VBS
  for %%I in (M Month Date T) do set %%I=
  for %%I in (pause cls goto:EOF) do %%I.
: vb
echo Dim obj,arg:set obj=wscript.createObject("wScript.shell")
echo set arg=wScript.arguments:if not arg.count=3then wScript.quit
echo select case lcase(arg(2)):case"month"obj.run"%%comSpec%% /c"_
echo +"echo set "+arg(0)+"="+ucase(left(monthName(month(now)),1))_
echo +mid(monthName(month(now)),2)+">>%%temp%%.\~.bat",0,1
echo case"date"obj.run"%%comSpec%% /cEcho set "+arg(0)+"="+mid("Jan"_
echo +"uary%%--%%February%%-%%March%%----%%April%%----%%May%%------"_
echo +"%%June%%-----%%July%%-----%%August%%---%%September%%%%Octobe"_
echo +"r%%--%%November%%-%%December%%-%%", 11*month(now)-10, 11)+" "_
if not %2.==%OS%. echo &day(now)&", "&year(now)&">>%%temp%%.\~.bat",0,1
if %2 == %OS% echo ^&day(now)^&", "^&year(now)^&">>%%temp%%.\~.bat",0,1
echo case else msgBox vbCr+"No implementation of: "+vbTab+vbCr+vbCr _
echo +arg(2)+vbCr,16: end select

   Useful reply by Phil Robyn




@echo off
  %1 for %%C in (start goto:EOF) do %%C /min %comSpec% /c"%0" goto:Begin
: Begin [unWrap the following, ONE LINE with 1 left margin as 2 spaces:]
  echo.wScript.createObject("wScript.shell").run"%comSpec% /c>%temp%.\~.
bat echo.set i="""+inputBox("Prompt","?","Default")+"""",0,1.>%temp%.\~.
  start/wait wScript.exe %temp%.\~.vbs
  call %[Line no 6.]%    %temp%.\~.bat
  if Windows_NT==%OS% start /max %comSpec% /t:f0/k"%0" goto:Maximized ~~
  if Win9X==Win9X%OS% start /max %comSpec% /c%0 goto:Maximized ~ %i%
  set i=
  for %%E in (vbs bat) do del %temp%.\~.%%E

: Maximized
  %[unQuoted]% if Win9X==Win9X%OS% set i=%3
  for %%~ in (%i%) do echo. [input] = [%%%2]

  %[Quoted, WinXP users can simply use ~ instead of ~~ (see line no 7)]%
  if Win9X==Win9X%OS% set i=
  echo. [input] = [%i%%3]

  for %%C in (echo pause cls exit[maxComSpec]) do %%C.
@goto --- Skip the following ---

Benny Pedersen,
  PS. (For more information, visit the UseNet Groups).
  PS.PS. The label named Maximized, probably do not need to be used.
    Use 1 of the following (The Ugly, The Nice or The OOPS) instead:

  (line no 8.)
  %Ugly% start/max %comSpec% /cfor %%C in (prom
         pt:$ cls pause"[input]=[%i%]>nul") do %%C
  %Nice% start/max %comSpec% /cfor %%C in ("prom
         pt:[input]=[%i%]$_$_" "cls>con" pause) do %%C
  %OOPS% start/max %comSpec% /cfor %%C in ("prom
         pt:$_[input]=[%i%]$_>nul" cls pause :) do %%C

  BTW. The above won't work in WinXP (only to be used within Win9X).
    In order to include the prefixed %Description%, leave those as
    blank without setting the variable such as, for example:
    SET Ugly=Mother-in-law.

: --- Skipped ---

   The Usenet




' [if u wish, u may modify the prompts about HOST, USER and PASSWORD.]

dim obj: set obj= wScript.createObject("wScript.shell")
' [Export favorites?]
wScript.createObject("shell.uiHelper").importExportFavorites 0,_
  obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") & "\links.html"

' [Get FTP profile]
dim prof: prof= "a:\ftp.txt"
if not createObject("scripting.fileSystemObject").fileExists(prof)then
  dim host: host= inputBox("Enter a host ","Host","ftp.geocities.com")
  dim user: user= inputBox("I want a user","User","Mr.VBS_Freak")
  dim pass: pass= inputBox("Password, u idiot","Password","******X**")
  ' [if not X=""then pass= pass & X]
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c> %temp%\ftp.txt echo:open " & host,0,1
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c>>%temp%\ftp.txt echo:" & user,0,1
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c>>%temp%\ftp.txt echo:" & pass,0,1
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c>>%temp%\ftp.txt echo:",0,1
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c>>%temp%\ftp.txt echo:put %temp%\links.html",0,1
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c>>%temp%\ftp.txt echo:close",0,1
  obj.run"%comSpec% /c>>%temp%\ftp.txt echo:quit",0,1
  prof= obj.expandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") & "\ftp.txt"
end if

' [FTP, upload file?]
if 6=obj.popup("Upload?",, "FTP", 36) then obj.run"ftp -s:" & prof,1,1

' [Clean up]
if prof="a:\ftp.txt"then
  msgBox" You may now remove your disk.    ", 64, prof
  obj.run"%comSpec% /cDel %temp%\ftp.txt", 0,1
end if
obj.run"%comSpec% /cErase %temp%\links.html" ,0,1
set obj= nothing

' [To display text properly in languages such as RTL Arabic / Hebrew,]
' [add hex &h00100000 (decimal 1048576) to the PopUp, 4'th parameter.]
' [Benny Pedersen, URL: http://2dos.homepage.dk/batutil/NEWS9.HTM#ftp]





  A little freeware FTP program that
  easily can fit and run directly on
  a floppy disk or whatever.
  Useful for uploading a single file
  when your other FTP programs won't
  work, or if you like to be able to
  FTP from another computer.

  If you like my FTP.VBS, then since
  I am later writing here; about how
  to send me some money, etc... then
  you should later visit my page ;-)

  Okay just put a lot of money here:
  \                                /   Today Feb 11, 2003 there is
  /  Nordea Bank Denmark A/S,      \   $0 (zero) on my account but
  \  Rendebanen 13, 6000 Kolding.  /   tomorrow; we will expect to
  |                                |   see a bit more, maybe $4 or
  \  2470 8475-823-460             \   something like that, ;-). I
  /  S.W.I.F.T.: NDEADKKK          |   will write the result here:
  \________________________________\   ( ). Bye-bye see you later.

  Copy, paste, or download the below
  ZIP file below this code:

'3.3kB, 82 lines,
dim wso: set wso= createObject("wScript.shell")
dim fso: set fso= createObject("scripting.fileSystemObject")
dim tmpPath: tmpPath= wso.expandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
dim proFile: proFile= "A:\PROFILE.TXT"
dim favFile: favFile= fso.getAbsolutePathName(tmpPath &".\fav.html")
dim tmpFile: tmpFile= fso.getAbsolutePathName(tmpPath & ".\FTP.TMP")
dim folders: folders= "folder/subfolder"
on error resume next: UpLoad host, user, pass
if (fso.fileExists(tmpFile)) then fso.deleteFile tmpFile
if err<>0 then msgBox"An error occurred.",vbCritical,err
on error goTo 0: set fso= nothing: set wso= fso
sub UpLoad (host, user, pass)
  if host="" then host= "ftp.geocities.com"
  if user="" then user= "anonymous"
  if pass="" then pass= "nobody@nowhere.dk"
  const forWriting=2, forAppending=8: dim f, toUpFtp
  if (fso.fileExists(proFile)) then
        fso.copyFile proFile, tmpFile, -1
        if (uCase(fso.getDriveName(proFile)))=("A:") then
                if cInt(wScript.version) >= 56 then
                        wScript.sleep 400
                end if
                msgBox"You may now remove your disk.", 64, proFile
        end if
  else  host= inputBox("Host:", "", host)
        user= inputBox("User:", "", user)
        pass= inputBox("Password:", "", pass)
        set f= fso.openTextFile(tmpFile, forWriting, true)
        f.writeLine "open " & host & vbCrLf & user & vbCrLf & pass
        select case msgBox("Save this profile; """ & proFile _
                        & """, " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Open " _
                        & vbTab & "Host: " & vbTab & host & vbCrLf _
                        & vbTab & "User: " & vbTab & user & vbCrLf _
                        & vbTab & "Pass: " & vbTab & pass & vbCrLf _
                        & vbCrLf & "Press [Esc] or Cancel to repe" _
                        & "at your profile...", 003 + 032 + 256, "")
          case vbCancel UpLoad host, user, pass: exit sub
          case vbYes    fso.copyFile tmpFile, proFile, -1
                        UpLoad host, user, pass: exit sub
        end select
  end if
  toUpFtp= inputBox("Input filename to upload:", "FTP", "Favorites")
  toUpFtp= replace(toUpFtp, """", "")
  if (toUpFtp) = ("Favorites") then
        dim uio:     set uio= wScript.createObject("shell.uiHelper")
        uio.importExportFavorites 0, favFile
        set uio= nothing:   toUpFtp= favFile
        if (fso.fileExists(favFile)) then
                if cInt(wScript.version) < 56 then
                        wso.run """" & favFile & """", 3, -1
                else    wso.run"explorer """ & favFile & """", 3, -1
                        dim Z: Z= 100
                        do: wScript.sleep Z: if Z > 108 then exit do
                            Z= Z +1/9
                        loop until wso.appActivate ("Bookmarks")
                        do while   wso.appActivate ("Bookmarks")
                end if
        end if
  end if
  if not (fso.fileExists(toUpFtp)) then
     msgBox "File not found: " & toUpFtp, 48, "Try again, ;-)"
     if vbYes=(wso.popup("Upload: """ & toUpFtp & """",, "FTP",_
     vbYesNo +32)) then
        folders= inputBox("Put the file: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
        vbTab & """" & toUpFtp & """" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "To" _
        & " specifyied folder(s):", "Folder/Subfolder", folders)
        set f= fso.openTextFile(tmpFile, forAppending)
        if folders<>"" then f.writeLine vbCrLf & "MKDIR " _
        &    folders & vbCrLf & "CD " & folders
        f.writeLine vbCrLf & "binary" & vbCrLf & "put """ _
        &    toUpFtp & """" & vbCrLf & "close" & vbCrLf & "quit"
        wso.run"%comSpec% /Kftp -s:""" & tmpFile & """", 3, true
     end if
  end if
  set f= nothing
end sub

   The UseNet
   FTP.ZIP; Contains the same code as shown.




"JW" datavisie.nl have an application which installs several things to the
Start Menu. However, "JW" wish them to be on the desktop, and then asking:
  Is it possible with a BAT file to copy them?
They already tried reading the "Desktop" and "StartMenu" location from the
register. However, JW don't know how to convert this data to normal paths.

Yes, that's easy. The following batch file is tested in both other languages and for other systems such as Win9X/ME/2000/NT/XP... Benny Pedersen,
@ echo off %1 for %%C in (star goto:) do %%CT /min %comSpec% /c%0 : %comSpec% /C%0 goto:C echo:>%temp%.\Copy.vbs start /wait wScript.exe %temp%.\Copy.vbs for %%C in (rase xit) do E%%C %temp%.\Copy.vbs :C [Create VBScript] %2 dim obj : set obj= wScript.createObject("wScript.shell") %2 dim sour:sour= obj.specialFolders("programs") + "\progFolder\*.*" %2 dim dest:dest= obj.specialFolders("desktop" ) + "\progFolder\*.*" %2 %2 if vbYes = msgBox(" Copy """+sour+""" """+dest+"""",36,"")then _ %2 obj.run"%comSpec% /CxCopy """+sour+""" """+dest+"""",0,-1. %2 %2 set obj= nothing :T [EOF]
:: You MUST substitute the "\progFolder\*.*", which's a non existing :: folder name (not found in the "StartMenu's Program Folder"); with :: for example "\My Crackers Toolbox Applications\*.*", or whatever. :: Notice: if the "Desktop\progFolder" don't exist, then it would be :: created by XCOPY. Moreover, batch files is working much faster in :: WinNT/XP than in Win98. You can substitute the xCopy with Copy, ( :: remove the x), and thereby it works faster within all systems but :: that's only needed if you are using a slow Windows9X system, :-).





'[[Initialize automation objects, functions /and etc. ]:
dim obj: set obj= wScript.createObject ("wScript.shell")

'[ To truncate the last two digits; If digit = 1, prefix with a zero]]:
function Dg_2(digits)  Dg_2= right(digits +100,2)end function

'[ Get NetStat into temporary files. Those are later used by the VBS ]:
obj.run"%comSpec% /CNetStat.exe -an> %temp%.\~netstat.01" ,false,vbTrue
obj.run"%comSpec% /CType %temp%.\~netstat.01>%temp%.\~NetStat.00" ,0,-1

'[ Create a batch file named ~isDiff.bat ]:
dim W: set W= createObject("scripting.fileSystemObject").openTextFile _
  (obj.expandEnvironmentStrings ("%temp%") & "\~isDiff.bat" , 2 , true)
  W.writeLine"fc /a/Lb1 %temp%.\~netstat.01 %temp%.\~netstat.02|find"&_
  " ""FC: """& vbCrLf & "if not errorlevel 1 exit" & vbCrLf _
  & "type %temp%.\~netstat.02>>%temp%.\~netstat.00"& vbCrLf _
& "type %temp%.\~netstat.02> %temp%.\~netstat.01":W.close:Set W=nothing

'[ Use the created batch file to append ~netstat.00 ONLY new NetStat ]:
Do until 2=obj.popUp("Continue?",1,"NetWatch",-true)'[ Timeout=1 sec ].
  wScript.sleep(00000.100)'[ 1000 per 1 second. Using popUp interval ].
  obj.run "%comSpec% /CNetstat.exe -an> %temp%.\~netstat.02" ,false,-1.
obj.run"%comSpec% /C%temp%.\~isDiff.bat",false,true:Loop'[ End Of Do ].

'[ Open the NetStat in Notepad.exe ]:
obj.run "notepad %temp%.\~netstat.00"

'[ Ask about the created NetStat. U may keep it or delete it ]:
if vbYes=msgBox(""""& obj.expandEnvironmentStrings ("%temp%")&_
  "\~netstat.00"""& string(2, vbCr)& "Do you want to keep this file?",_
  vbYesNo +vbQuestion, "?")then
    obj.run "%comSpec% /CRen %temp%.\~netstat.00 ""NetStat (DMY_HMS=("_
      & Dg_2(day(now))& Dg_2(month(now))& Dg_2(year(now))& "_" & Dg_2 _
      (hour(now))& Dg_2(minute(now))& Dg_2(second(now))& ")).txt"" " ,0
else obj.run"%comSpec% /CErase %temp%.\~netstat.00",false,false: end if

'[ Clean up temporary files and a bit of memory, so free up used RAM ]:
obj.run "%comSpec% /CFor %D in (1 2) do del %temp%.\~netstat.0%D",false
obj.run "%comSpec% /CErase %temp%.\~isDiff.bat",false: set obj= W

   Additionally UseNet link


Okay, I must admit that I was to fast to upload this one on the UseNet, WSH.

PS. See the file "cScript.COM" by Horst Schaeffer or "CSCR.BAT" by
    Benny Pedersen (me) http://2dos.homepage.dk/batutil/NEWS8.HTM#cscr

[ Example; "%TEMP%.\test.txt" ]:

e100 6
e101 A1 A2
e103 A3 0
e108 5 46 60
e1080 1

[ "Bug.vbs" ]:

dim byte_: byte_= cInt(inputBox("Start in what line number?", "?", 2))
if byte_=0 then wScript.quit
dim fso, obj, rTS, e
set fso= createObject ("scripting.fileSystemObject")
set obj= wscript.createObject("wScript.shell")
on error resume next
set rTS= fso.openTextFile(obj.expandEnvironmentStrings ("%temp%") &_
         "\test.txt", 1)
do while e < byte_-2: rTS.readLine: e= e +1: loop
if err.number = 0 then Bug
set fso= nothing: set obj= fso: set rTS= obj
sub Bug
  do until rTS.read(1)=vbCr :loop
  do: if not mid(byte_,2)=" "then
        byte_= rTS.read(1)
        if byte_=vbCr or byte_=vbLf then
           e= "": do:byte_= rTS.read(1):e= e & byte_
                  loop until byte_=" " xor byte_="r"
           if byte_="r" then exit do
           on error resume next
           e= cInt("&h" & mid(e, (left(e,1)="e")+3, len(e)-2))
           if err.number>0 then on error goTo 0: Bug: exit sub
           on error goTo 0
        end if
      end if
      byte_= rTS.read(2)
      if 2 = msgBox(count &" "& byte_, 1, hex(e)) then exit do
      e= e +1
end sub

-Top- Page 8 | Page 10 | Nomenclature